Bienvenue chez JPC Conseil.

Our business is to grow your business!
Hoping for success or planning for success?

For many businesses the dream of success will remain just that; a dream.

70% of business owners manage by themselves their company marketing. Alas, they spend in average only 2 to 3 days per months at this business.
For some it is because they are always too busy to plan the next step. Actions are reactions to today’s circumstances not planned steps on a pathway to success.
Others plan but lack the knowledge, skills and experience to maximise that planning and to make it specific to the aspirations of their own business. Effectively they use the same template as their competitors and then wonder why they fail to stand out.
And then there are those who would love to access the same specialist advice that is available to ’the big boys’ but lack the resources.

Marketing expertise is a job !

We provide marketing expertise to SME’s , helping them to implement their business strategy, methodical, proven, inexpensive and rocketing their profits.

  • How do prospect, target and thus enrich the portfolio of contacts that will be my tomorrow customers?
  • Do I have to recruit?
  • How to recruit talented sales people, train them, coach them, track their effectiveness?
  • How to develop loyalty program and retain customers? How to “wake up” my inactive clients?
  • What are the most productive sales channels of my business?
  • Do I have to look for new ones?
  • How to develop a referral network?

Move from “all-out strike” to “surgical strike”!
Truth 1: We cannot sell everything to everyone.
Truth 2: Despite what many people think, marketing is a science, not an art …
This is why thought, preparation and above all proven methodology, are essential to set up the suitable filters succession for a real “laser targeting” guaranteeing your success tomorrow.

Do you want to …

Are you thinking about …

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